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Gain insight with a delivered nodal price forecast

Utilize a multi-year hourly nodal price forecast through 2050 for selected nodal points in Excel spreadsheet format


Running a power planning model effectively and validating the results is a complicated task. Utilize results that have been vetted and analyzed by power market experts.

The Horizons Energy Advisory LMP service allows users the flexibility to utilize results that have been vetted and analyzed by power market experts in conjunction with their own knowledge of the market.

For example, the Horizons Energy Advisory LMP service might be useful in a situation where a user wants to focus on a detailed study of a given power market but would like to represent price influences from remote markets. The LMP prices the service provides would represent those remote markets.


The Horizons Energy Advisory LMP service provides insight by delivering Nodal price forecasts as a supplement to its zonal advisory service.

Locational Marginal Price is the predominant pricing mechanism in North American power markets. ISOs and RTOs can reflect the physical limits of the transmission system to calculate the costs of congestion and losses when transporting power from individual generator stations to load centers. The Horizons Energy Advisory LMP service provides clients with insight of these impacts by delivering Nodal price forecasts as a supplement to its Zonal Advisory service.

  • Zonal simulations capture the regional market price impacts from fuels, emissions, transmission, demand, and emerging technologies
  • Nodal prices capture the locational differences in costs due to congestion and losses
  • Hourly nodal forecasts are available over the years 2021 to 2050
  • Extensively researched, benchmarked and analyzed by industry professionals with 25+ years of power market pricing experience

Nodes within Commonwealth Edison Co. Zone


  • Evaluation and screening of local solar, wind, storage and hybrid projects
  • Basis differentials
  • Basis risk
  • Transmission path evaluation (e.g., FTR/CRR/ARR)


  • Zonal and Nodal prices by hour
  • Available for the Eastern Interconnect, WECC, and ERCOT
  • User-defined nodal points
  • Delivered through Excel spreadsheets


To simulate Zonal and Nodal topologies, Horizons Energy utilizes the EnCompass power planning model from Anchor Power Solutions. The EnCompass simulation model allows analysts to optimize decisions around scheduling, maintenance, capital projects and analyze power markets. EnCompass simulates nodal databases using a detailed DC power flow including transmission flow limits and contingency events to calculate the LMP for each node in the network.

Prices delivered using an Excel spreadsheet format

Comparison of hourly zonal and nodal prices.

Heat map of Oklahoma nodal prices

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